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Most common street names in Nevada

Below is a list of the fifty most common street names found in Nevada followed by which cities have that top street.

Street Name Count Cities
Main St34Austin, Beatty, Bunkerville, Caliente, Carson City, Dayton, Elko, Empire, Fernley, Gabbs, Gardnerville, Genoa, Gerlach, Golconda, Goldfield, Imlay, Jarbidge, Jean, Lovelock, Lund, Manhattan, Mesquite, Minden, Panaca, Paradise Valley, Pioche, Ruth, Searchlight, Silver City, Silverpeak, Tonopah, Tuscarora, Wadsworth, Wells
2nd St24Austin, Beatty, Carlin, Crescent Valley, Duckwater, Elko, Ely, Empire, Gabbs, Gardnerville, Goldfield, Hawthorne, Mc Gill, Montello, Pahrump, Panaca, Ruth, Silver City, Silver Springs, Sparks, Tonopah, Wells, Winnemucca, Yerington
3rd St24Austin, Battle Mountain, Beatty, Carlin, Carson City, Crescent Valley, Elko, Ely, Empire, Eureka, Gabbs, Golconda, Hawthorne, Mc Gill, Mina, Minden, Montello, Pahrump, Panaca, Silver City, Silver Springs, Sparks, Verdi, Wells
6th St22Battle Mountain, Boulder City, Carlin, Crescent Valley, Elko, Ely, Eureka, Fernley, Golconda, Goldfield, Hawthorne, Lovelock, Mc Gill, Mina, Minden, Panaca, Ruby Valley, Silver City, Silver Springs, Sparks, Wadsworth, Wells
1st St21Beatty, Carlin, Crescent Valley, Duckwater, Elko, Ely, Eureka, Genoa, Goldfield, Hawthorne, Luning, Mc Gill, Minden, Pahrump, Ruth, Silver City, Silver Springs, Sparks, Tonopah, Wells, West Wendover
5th St21Austin, Battle Mountain, Boulder City, Carlin, Crescent Valley, Elko, Ely, Golconda, Goldfield, Hawthorne, Lovelock, Mc Gill, Mina, Minden, Pahrump, Panaca, Silver City, Sparks, Wadsworth, Wells, West Wendover
4th St18Battle Mountain, Beatty, Carlin, Crescent Valley, Elko, Ely, Empire, Goldfield, Hawthorne, Lovelock, Minden, Pahrump, Panaca, Silver City, Silver Springs, Sparks, Wadsworth, Wells
US Hwy 9517Amargosa Valley, Beatty, Cal Nev Ari, Fallon, Goldfield, Hawthorne, Henderson, Indian Springs, Las Vegas, Luning, Mc Dermitt, Mina, Orovada, Schurz, Searchlight, Tonopah, Winnemucca
7th St17Battle Mountain, Boulder City, Carlin, Crescent Valley, Elko, Ely, Eureka, Fernley, Hawthorne, Lovelock, Mc Gill, Mina, Minden, Ruth, Silver Springs, Sparks, Wells
Cedar St16Austin, Beatty, Carlin, Carson City, Elko, Ely, Fernley, Goldfield, Hawthorne, Henderson, Las Vegas, Pioche, Reno, Ruth, Silver Springs, Zephyr Cove
Airport Rd15Alamo, Boulder City, Carson City, Ely, Empire, Fallon, Logandale, Lovelock, Minden, Overton, Owyhee, Panaca, Pioche, Tonopah, Winnemucca
8th St14Battle Mountain, Boulder City, Carlin, Crescent Valley, Elko, Ely, Hawthorne, Lovelock, Mina, Minden, Montello, Silver Springs, Wadsworth, Wells
Elm St14Austin, Boulder City, Carlin, Carson City, Elko, Ely, Fernley, Gerlach, Henderson, Lund, Reno, Silver Springs, West Wendover, Winnemucca
9th St14Boulder City, Carlin, Crescent Valley, Elko, Ely, Eureka, Hawthorne, Lovelock, Mina, Minden, Silver Springs, Sparks, Wadsworth, West Wendover
A St13Caliente, Carson City, Elko, Hawthorne, Las Vegas, Luning, Mina, Montello, Mountain City, Silver Springs, Sparks, Virginia City, West Wendover
Pine St12Beatty, Carlin, Elko, Ely, Eureka, Hawthorne, Las Vegas, Reno, Ruth, Silver Springs, West Wendover, Yerington
C St12Carlin, Carson City, Elko, Fernley, Gardnerville, Hawthorne, Las Vegas, Mina, Montello, Panaca, Sparks, Virginia City
E St11Battle Mountain, Elko, Empire, Fallon, Fernley, Hawthorne, Las Vegas, Laughlin, Panaca, Sparks, Virginia City
B St11Carlin, Carson City, Elko, Fernley, Hawthorne, Las Vegas, Mina, Montello, Panaca, Reno, Virginia City
10th St10Carlin, Crescent Valley, Elko, Ely, Hawthorne, Mina, Minden, Silver Springs, Sparks, Wells
Mountain View Dr10Battle Mountain, Elko, Ely, Fernley, Las Vegas, Mc Dermitt, Mesquite, Reno, Wells, Winnemucca
N Main St10Alamo, Eureka, Goldfield, Las Vegas, Manhattan, North Las Vegas, Paradise Valley, Virginia City, Winnemucca, Yerington
Frontage Rd10Battle Mountain, Blue Diamond, Gardnerville, Hawthorne, Henderson, Imlay, Las Vegas, Pahrump, Sparks, Wells
US Hwy 5010Austin, Carson City, Dayton, Ely, Eureka, Fallon, Glenbrook, Silver Springs, Stateline, Zephyr Cove
S Main St10Alamo, Eureka, Goldfield, Las Vegas, Overton, Paradise Valley, Searchlight, Virginia City, Winnemucca, Yerington
Cottonwood Dr9Beatty, Blue Diamond, Carson City, Elko, Fallon, Laughlin, Mesquite, Stateline, West Wendover
D St9Carlin, Elko, Empire, Fernley, Hawthorne, Las Vegas, Panaca, Sparks, Virginia City
Willow St9Battle Mountain, Carlin, Elko, Gardnerville, Las Vegas, Owyhee, Reno, Round Mountain, West Wendover
Canyon Dr9Carson City, Elko, Las Vegas, Lovelock, Mesquite, Reno, Stateline, Wellington, Zephyr Cove
Sage St9Alamo, Carlin, Carson City, Elko, Ely, Fernley, Hawthorne, Reno, West Wendover
G St9Carson City, Fernley, Hawthorne, Las Vegas, Montello, Panaca, Reno, Sparks, Virginia City
Poplar St9Caliente, Carlin, Carson City, Fernley, Genoa, Minden, Reno, West Wendover, Yerington
US Hwy 939Alamo, Caliente, Ely, Hiko, Jackpot, Mc Gill, North Las Vegas, Panaca, Wells
Nevada St8Austin, Luning, Reno, Ruth, Searchlight, Silver Springs, West Wendover, Zephyr Cove
Valley View Dr8Carson City, Dayton, Fernley, Genoa, Henderson, Mesquite, Reno, Wellington
Center St8Ely, Fernley, Henderson, Las Vegas, Lund, Pahrump, Winnemucca, Zephyr Cove
Gold St8Eureka, Goldfield, Henderson, Manhattan, Pioche, Tonopah, Tuscarora, West Wendover
Ash St8Boulder City, Carlin, Elko, Hawthorne, Henderson, Overton, West Wendover, Yerington
Country Club Dr8Carson City, Elko, Fallon, Henderson, Incline Village, Laughlin, Minden, Reno
Silver St8Dayton, Elko, Eureka, Henderson, Pahrump, Pioche, Reno, West Wendover
Circle Dr8Carson City, Empire, Fernley, Gardnerville, Mc Gill, Reno, Wellington, Winnemucca
Ranch Rd8Alamo, Battle Mountain, Caliente, Fernley, Moapa, Panaca, Wadsworth, Winnemucca
11th St8Carlin, Crescent Valley, Elko, Ely, Eureka, Lovelock, Mina, Sparks
Oak St7Carlin, Carson City, Elko, Goldfield, Las Vegas, Reno, West Wendover
Primrose Ln7Elko, Fallon, Henderson, Lamoille, Mesquite, Minden, Winnemucca
Fir St7Boulder City, Carlin, Elko, Gerlach, Hawthorne, Henderson, Silver Springs
Cemetery Rd7Alamo, Caliente, Dayton, Fallon, Reno, Virginia City, Yerington
Front St7Battle Mountain, Caliente, Elko, Fernley, Mina, Montello, Verdi
Highland Dr7Boulder City, Elko, Ely, Fallon, Fernley, Las Vegas, Mesquite
12th St7Carlin, Crescent Valley, Elko, Eureka, Lovelock, Mina, Sparks

Most common streets list for states near Nevada: Arizona - California - Idaho - Oregon - Utah