Home > Most Common Street Names > South Dakota
Below is a list of the fifty most common street names found in South Dakota followed by which cities have that top street.
Street Name | Count | Cities |
Main St | 178 | Akaska, Alexandria, Alpena, Andover, Arlington, Armour, Ashton, Astoria, Barnard, Bath, Belle Fourche, Belvidere, Big Stone City, Bison, Bowdle, Bradley, Brandt, Bridgewater, Bristol, Britton, Buffalo, Buffalo Gap, Burbank, Burke, Camp Crook, Canistota, Caputa, Carthage, Castlewood, Centerville, Chancellor, Claire City, Colome, Corona, Cresbard, Crooks, Dallas, Dante, Deadwood, Doland, Draper, Dupree, Eagle Butte, Elk Point, Elkton, Erwin, Estelline, Ethan, Fairburn, Fairfax, Fairview, Faulkton, Frederick, Gann Valley, Garden City, Gayville, Geddes, Gettysburg, Glenham, Gregory, Grenville, Hamill, Harrisburg, Hecla, Henry, Hermosa, Herreid, Hill City, Hitchcock, Hosmer, Hoven, Hurley, Interior, Ipswich, Irene, Iroquois, Isabel, Java, Jefferson, Kadoka, Kennebec, Kimball, Labolt, Lake Andes, Langford, Lebanon, Lemmon, Lennox, Leola, Letcher, Long Lake, Mansfield, Marion, Martin, Mc Intosh, Mc Laughlin, Mellette, Midland, Mission, Mobridge, Montrose, Morristown, Mound City, Mount Vernon, Murdo, New Effington, North Sioux City, Northville, Nunda, Oelrichs, Onaka, Onida, Orient, Peever, Piedmont, Pierpont, Plankinton, Platte, Pollock, Prairie City, Presho, Pringle, Pukwana, Quinn, Ramona, Rapid City, Redfield, Reliance, Rockham, Roscoe, Rosebud, Rosholt, Roslyn, Rutland, Saint Francis, Saint Onge, Salem, Scenic, Scotland, Selby, Sisseton, South Shore, Spearfish, Spencer, Springfield, Stickney, Sturgis, Timber Lake, Tolstoy, Trent, Tripp, Tulare, Twin Brooks, Tyndall, Utica, Veblen, Vermillion, Viborg, Vienna, Virgil, Vivian, Wakonda, Wakpala, Wall, Wallace, Watauga, Waubay, Webster, Westport, White, White Lake, White Owl, Wilmot, Winfred, Winner, Wood, Worthing, Yale |
2nd St | 135 | Alexandria, Alpena, Andover, Armour, Baltic, Barnard, Batesland, Bath, Belvidere, Beresford, Bowdle, Brentford, Bridgewater, Bristol, Britton, Brookings, Bruce, Camp Crook, Carpenter, Chancellor, Chester, Claremont, Clear Lake, Conde, Corona, Dallas, Davis, Doland, Draper, Eagle Butte, Eden, Egan, Elk Point, Elkton, Estelline, Ethan, Eureka, Fairburn, Fairfax, Fedora, Ferney, Florence, Fort Pierre, Frederick, Freeman, Garden City, Garretson, Geddes, Grenville, Harrison, Harrold, Hayti, Hazel, Hecla, Henry, Hermosa, Highmore, Hosmer, Hudson, Huron, Ipswich, Kennebec, Keystone, Lake Andes, Lead, Lebanon, Lesterville, Letcher, Lyons, Mansfield, Mc Intosh, Mc Laughlin, Mellette, Milbank, Mission, Mission Hill, Monroe, Morristown, Mound City, Murdo, New Effington, Newell, Nisland, Oral, Parmelee, Peever, Piedmont, Pierpont, Plankinton, Platte, Presho, Pukwana, Ramona, Rapid City, Ree Heights, Reliance, Rosholt, Roslyn, Rutland, Saint Onge, Scenic, Scotland, Seneca, Sinai, Spearfish, Spencer, Springfield, Stickney, Strandburg, Stratford, Sturgis, Timber Lake, Toronto, Trent, Turton, Utica, Vermillion, Vienna, Virgil, Vivian, Volin, Wagner, Wakonda, Wallace, Watauga, Waubay, Westport, White, White River, Willow Lake, Wilmot, Wood, Woonsocket, Worthing, Yale |
3rd St | 127 | Alexandria, Amherst, Andover, Armour, Baltic, Barnard, Belvidere, Beresford, Bison, Bowdle, Bradley, Bridgewater, Britton, Brookings, Bruce, Buffalo, Bullhead, Chancellor, Chester, Claire City, Claremont, Conde, Corona, Cresbard, Dallas, Davis, Doland, Draper, Dupree, Eden, Edgemont, Egan, Elk Point, Emery, Estelline, Eureka, Fairburn, Fairfax, Flandreau, Florence, Fort Pierre, Frederick, Freeman, Garretson, Geddes, Grenville, Harrison, Harrold, Hayti, Hazel, Hecla, Henry, Hermosa, Houghton, Hudson, Ipswich, Iroquois, Jefferson, Kaylor, Kennebec, Keystone, Lake Andes, Lake Norden, Lead, Lebanon, Lemmon, Leola, Lesterville, Little Eagle, Lodgepole, Lyons, Madison, Mc Intosh, Mellette, Midland, Mission, Mission Hill, Monroe, Morristown, Mound City, Murdo, New Effington, Newell, Nisland, Parmelee, Peever, Piedmont, Pierpont, Plankinton, Platte, Presho, Pukwana, Ramona, Rapid City, Reliance, Rockham, Rosholt, Roslyn, Saint Onge, Scotland, Seneca, Sinai, Smithwick, Spearfish, Springfield, Stickney, Stratford, Sturgis, Timber Lake, Trent, Turton, Utica, Virgil, Vivian, Volga, Wagner, Wakonda, Waubay, Westport, White River, Willow Lake, Wilmot, Winner, Wolsey, Woonsocket, Worthing, Yale |
4th St | 100 | Alexandria, Alpena, Amherst, Andover, Armour, Baltic, Bath, Beresford, Bowdle, Bradley, Brentford, Bridgewater, Britton, Brookings, Bruce, Chancellor, Chester, Claremont, Conde, Corona, Cresbard, Dallas, Doland, Dupree, Eagle Butte, Eden, Egan, Elk Point, Estelline, Ethan, Eureka, Fairfax, Florence, Fort Pierre, Frederick, Freeman, Garretson, Geddes, Harrison, Harrold, Hayti, Hazel, Hecla, Henry, Hermosa, Hosmer, Hot Springs, Houghton, Howard, Hudson, Ipswich, Iroquois, Jefferson, Lake Andes, Lane, Letcher, Little Eagle, Lyons, Mc Intosh, Mellette, Mission, Murdo, New Effington, Newell, Parmelee, Piedmont, Pierpont, Platte, Presho, Pukwana, Rapid City, Ree Heights, Reliance, Saint Onge, Scotland, Seneca, Sinai, Smithwick, Spencer, Springfield, Stickney, Stratford, Sturgis, Timber Lake, Tripp, Turton, Utica, Virgil, Volga, Wagner, Wakonda, Waubay, Westport, Willow Lake, Wilmot, Wolsey, Wood, Woonsocket, Worthing, Yale |
1st St | 95 | Andover, Armour, Baltic, Batesland, Bath, Bradley, Bridgewater, Britton, Brookings, Bruce, Buffalo, Bullhead, Canton, Chancellor, Chester, Claire City, Clear Lake, Dallas, Doland, Draper, Eden, Edgemont, Elkton, Estelline, Eureka, Fairburn, Fairfax, Ferney, Fort Pierre, Frederick, Garretson, Geddes, Harrold, Hayti, Henry, Hermosa, Highmore, Hosmer, Hudson, Iroquois, Kaylor, Kennebec, Keystone, Lake Andes, Lake City, Lead, Lebanon, Lesterville, Lyons, Mc Intosh, Mc Laughlin, Mellette, Midland, Mission, Mission Hill, Monroe, Mound City, Murdo, Newell, Nisland, Northville, Onida, Parmelee, Peever, Pierpont, Plankinton, Platte, Rapid City, Reliance, Revillo, Rosholt, Roslyn, Saint Onge, Scenic, Scotland, Smithwick, Springfield, Stockholm, Sturgis, Timber Lake, Trail City, Trent, Utica, Vienna, Virgil, Vivian, Wagner, Wakonda, Wakpala, Waubay, Webster, Wilmot, Wood, Woonsocket, Worthing |
5th St | 74 | Alexandria, Alpena, Amherst, Armour, Baltic, Bath, Beresford, Bowdle, Bristol, Britton, Brookings, Canton, Chancellor, Chester, Claremont, Cresbard, Dallas, Davis, Dell Rapids, Dupree, Egan, Estelline, Ethan, Eureka, Fairfax, Florence, Fort Meade, Fort Pierre, Frederick, Garretson, Geddes, Harrison, Harrold, Hayti, Hecla, Henry, Hermosa, Herrick, Hosmer, Hudson, Ipswich, Iroquois, Jefferson, Lake Preston, Lane, Lyons, Mc Laughlin, Milbank, Miller, Murdo, Newell, Onida, Plankinton, Platte, Presho, Rapid City, Ree Heights, Reliance, Rosholt, Scotland, Seneca, Spearfish, Spencer, Springfield, Stratford, Sturgis, Timber Lake, Wagner, Wakonda, Wallace, Wessington Springs, White River, Wood, Woonsocket |
2nd Ave | 57 | Aberdeen, Alpena, Andover, Bath, Belle Fourche, Belvidere, Beresford, Big Stone City, Bonesteel, Bowdle, Brandon, Brookings, Bruce, Caputa, Castlewood, Chancellor, Chester, Columbia, Corona, Edgemont, Emery, Flandreau, Frederick, Gary, Herreid, Hoven, Humboldt, Ipswich, Java, Kadoka, Kennebec, Lane, Lemmon, Martin, Mc Laughlin, Mellette, Montrose, New Holland, Onaka, Parker, Pierpont, Prairie City, Quinn, Rapid City, Reliance, Rosholt, Rutland, Selby, Stockholm, Trent, Tulare, Vivian, Wall, Waubay, Webster, Westport, Wilmot |
1st Ave | 54 | Andover, Ashton, Bath, Belle Fourche, Belvidere, Bonesteel, Bowdle, Brandon, Brookings, Castlewood, Chancellor, Chester, Corona, Edgemont, Emery, Faith, Fort Pierre, Frederick, Gary, Glenham, Goodwin, Herreid, Hoven, Humboldt, Ipswich, Iroquois, Java, Kadoka, Kennebec, Lane, Lyons, Martin, Mc Laughlin, Mellette, Midland, Montrose, Parker, Pierpont, Rapid City, Revillo, Selby, Spearfish, Stickney, Stockholm, Sturgis, Trent, Virgil, Wanblee, Watertown, Waubay, Webster, Wessington Springs, Westport, Wilmot |
6th St | 48 | Alexandria, Armour, Baltic, Bristol, Britton, Brookings, Claremont, Conde, Cresbard, Dallas, Dupree, Eureka, Fairfax, Florence, Fort Pierre, Frederick, Freeman, Garden City, Geddes, Harrison, Hayti, Hecla, Herrick, Highmore, Hosmer, Hudson, Ipswich, Lane, Mc Laughlin, Murdo, Newell, Oacoma, Platte, Presho, Pukwana, Rapid City, Ree Heights, Reliance, Scotland, Spencer, Springfield, Sturgis, Timber Lake, Volga, Wagner, Wallace, White River, Woonsocket |
N Main St | 47 | Aberdeen, Arlington, Artesian, Avon, Bath, Blunt, Camp Crook, Canton, Chamberlain, Colome, Columbia, Emery, Estelline, Faith, Freeman, Gettysburg, Groton, Howard, Humboldt, Kennebec, Lennox, Letcher, Marion, Mc Laughlin, Milbank, Mitchell, Mobridge, Mount Vernon, North Sioux City, Northville, Onida, Plankinton, Presho, Redfield, Salem, Scotland, Spearfish, Stockholm, Tripp, Viborg, Vivian, Waubay, Wessington, White River, Winner, Witten, Woonsocket |
Elm St | 46 | Agar, Big Stone City, Box Elder, Brandt, Britton, Buffalo Gap, Eagle Butte, Egan, Elk Point, Fairview, Faulkton, Ferney, Hecla, Henry, Herreid, Hill City, Hot Springs, Houghton, Howard, Iroquois, Kadoka, Kimball, Langford, Lebanon, Menno, Midland, New Underwood, Nisland, Northville, Nunda, Oacoma, Oelrichs, Philip, Quinn, Saint Francis, Saint Onge, Seneca, Springfield, Summit, Tyndall, Valley Springs, Vermillion, Wasta, Webster, Whitewood, Yankton |
3rd Ave | 46 | Andover, Belle Fourche, Belvidere, Beresford, Big Stone City, Bowdle, Brandon, Britton, Brookings, Castlewood, Chester, Claremont, Corona, Crooks, Edgemont, Emery, Fort Pierre, Frederick, Gary, Glenham, Herreid, Hoven, Humboldt, Interior, Ipswich, Kadoka, Kennebec, Lake Andes, Lane, Martin, Mellette, Mission, Pierpont, Prairie City, Rapid City, Reliance, Revillo, Selby, Trent, Tulare, Vivian, Wall, Waubay, Wilmot, Wolsey, Woonsocket |
E 3rd St | 44 | Bridgewater, Burke, Camp Crook, Canton, Colome, Colton, Conde, Corsica, Crooks, Dell Rapids, Delmont, Egan, Elkton, Emery, Freeman, Fulton, Gregory, Hartford, Kimball, Lebanon, Marion, Miller, Mission Hill, Murdo, Oacoma, Parker, Pierre, Plankinton, Presho, Ramona, Redfield, Ree Heights, Revillo, Sioux Falls, Tea, Tripp, Volga, Webster, White, White Lake, White River, Winner, Worthing, Yankton |
Oak St | 44 | Agar, Alexandria, Arlington, Aurora, Beresford, Black Hawk, Box Elder, Brandt, Britton, Buffalo Gap, Canistota, Castlewood, Conde, Fairburn, Fairview, Faulkton, Frankfort, Hecla, Henry, Hill City, Hitchcock, Houghton, Ipswich, Iroquois, Kadoka, Lebanon, Marty, New Underwood, Nisland, Northville, Philip, Quinn, Saint Francis, Saint Onge, Seneca, Springfield, Summit, Turton, Tyndall, Veblen, Wasta, Watertown, Whitewood, Yankton |
W 4th St | 44 | Alcester, Brentford, Burke, Canton, Colome, Colton, Crooks, Davis, Dell Rapids, Delmont, Dimock, Elkton, Faith, Freeman, Fulton, Gregory, Hartford, Hurley, Marion, Miller, Mount Vernon, Oacoma, Oelrichs, Parker, Pierre, Plankinton, Platte, Presho, Ramona, Redfield, Renner, Revillo, Saint Lawrence, Scotland, Sioux Falls, Tea, Volga, Webster, Wentworth, White, Winner, Woonsocket, Worthing, Yankton |
Co Rd 11 | 40 | Aberdeen, Alcester, Ashton, Astoria, Beresford, Brandt, Brentford, Brookings, Claremont, Columbia, Corona, Faulkton, Frankfort, Freeman, Gregory, Groton, Hitchcock, Letcher, Marion, Menno, Mount Vernon, Olivet, Orient, Parkston, Platte, Rockham, Saint Lawrence, Sinai, Strandburg, Tulare, Turton, Volga, Webster, Wessington, Westport, White Lake, Willow Lake, Wilmot, Wolsey, Woonsocket |
E 2nd St | 40 | Alcester, Avon, Beresford, Bridgewater, Bristol, Canton, Colome, Colton, Corsica, Davis, Dell Rapids, Delmont, Egan, Elkton, Emery, Freeman, Gregory, Hartford, Kimball, Marion, Miller, Murdo, Parker, Pierre, Plankinton, Platte, Redfield, Revillo, Sioux Falls, Tea, Trent, Tripp, Volga, Webster, White, White Lake, White River, Winner, Worthing, Yankton |
4th Ave | 39 | Alpena, Belle Fourche, Big Stone City, Bowdle, Bradley, Brandon, Britton, Castlewood, Chester, Claremont, Clear Lake, Edgemont, Emery, Fort Pierre, Frederick, Glenham, Herreid, Hoven, Interior, Ipswich, Iroquois, Kadoka, Kennebec, Martin, Mellette, Pierpont, Rapid City, Selby, Spearfish, Tolstoy, Trent, Tulare, Vivian, Wall, Waubay, Wessington Springs, Wilmot, Wolsey, Woonsocket |
5th Ave | 39 | Alpena, Belle Fourche, Big Stone City, Bison, Bowdle, Bradley, Brandon, Britton, Brookings, Castlewood, Chester, Claremont, Clear Lake, Edgemont, Faith, Fort Pierre, Frederick, Gettysburg, Glenham, Herreid, Hoven, Humboldt, Ipswich, Iroquois, Kadoka, Kennebec, Leola, Martin, Mellette, Mitchell, Pierpont, Rapid City, Reliance, Selby, Spearfish, Tolstoy, Wall, Waubay, Wilmot |
E Main St | 38 | Arlington, Ashton, Astoria, Badger, Beresford, Bison, Bristol, Buffalo, Canistota, Canova, Carthage, Corsica, Delmont, Elk Point, Ethan, Hermosa, Hill City, Hosmer, Irene, Lake Andes, Lead, Lodgepole, Mansfield, Martin, Meadow, Menno, Mitchell, New Holland, Oacoma, Oldham, Parkston, Rapid City, Tyndall, Vermillion, Warner, Westport, White, Woonsocket |
Pine St | 37 | Agar, Arlington, Aurora, Black Hawk, Brandon, Britton, Buffalo Gap, Canistota, Custer, De Smet, Edgemont, Elkton, Fairburn, Faulkton, Frankfort, Hecla, Houghton, Kadoka, Kimball, Lebanon, Lennox, New Underwood, Philip, Piedmont, Pringle, Quinn, Rapid City, Saint Francis, Seneca, Springfield, Sturgis, Summit, Tyndall, Wasta, Whitewood, Winner, Yankton |
E 4th St | 37 | Alcester, Bridgewater, Burke, Canton, Colome, Colton, Corsica, Crooks, Davis, Dell Rapids, Delmont, Egan, Elkton, Emery, Freeman, Fulton, Gregory, Hartford, Hosmer, Kennebec, Marion, Miller, Oelrichs, Parker, Pierre, Plankinton, Presho, Ramona, Redfield, Sioux Falls, Volga, Webster, Wentworth, White, White River, Winner, Yankton |
W 3rd St | 36 | Alcester, Beresford, Canton, Colome, Davis, Dell Rapids, Delmont, Dimock, Elkton, Faith, Freeman, Fulton, Gregory, Hartford, Kimball, Miller, Mount Vernon, Oacoma, Oelrichs, Parker, Pierre, Plankinton, Platte, Redfield, Revillo, Sioux Falls, Tea, Volga, Webster, Wentworth, Westport, White, Winner, Woonsocket, Worthing, Yankton |
W 5th St | 36 | Alcester, Brentford, Burke, Canton, Colome, Colton, Conde, Davis, Dell Rapids, Dimock, Elkton, Faith, Freeman, Fulton, Gregory, Hartford, Kimball, Miller, Murdo, Oelrichs, Parker, Pierre, Plankinton, Platte, Presho, Redfield, Revillo, Sioux Falls, Tea, Volga, Waubay, Webster, White, Winner, Woonsocket, Yankton |
Co Rd 10 | 35 | Aberdeen, Arlington, Ashton, Barnard, Brookings, Carpenter, Carthage, Conde, Cresbard, De Smet, Elk Point, Emery, Faith, Faulkton, Frederick, Letcher, Mansfield, Mellette, Miller, Northville, Oldham, Onaka, Plankinton, Revillo, Roscoe, Rosholt, Sisseton, Tolstoy, Volga, Warner, Watertown, Wessington, Wessington Springs, Westport, Yale |
Ash St | 35 | Agar, Arlington, Beresford, Black Hawk, Box Elder, Brandon, Britton, Canistota, De Smet, Fairburn, Fairview, Ferney, Frankfort, Hecla, Herreid, Houghton, Iroquois, Lebanon, Midland, Newell, Nisland, Nunda, Philip, Quinn, Rosebud, Spearfish, Springfield, Sturgis, Summit, Turton, Vermillion, Wasta, Whitewood, Wolsey, Yankton |
E 5th St | 35 | Alcester, Brentford, Bridgewater, Bristol, Burke, Canton, Colome, Colton, Corsica, Crooks, Dell Rapids, Dimock, Egan, Elkton, Freeman, Fulton, Gregory, Harrold, Hartford, Hosmer, Kimball, Marion, Miller, Parker, Pierre, Plankinton, Presho, Redfield, Sioux Falls, Volga, Webster, White, White River, Winner, Yankton |
W 2nd St | 35 | Canton, Colome, Colton, Dell Rapids, Delmont, Elkton, Faith, Fulton, Gregory, Hartford, Kaylor, Kimball, Marion, Miller, Mount Vernon, Oacoma, Parker, Pierre, Plankinton, Ramona, Redfield, Revillo, Scotland, Sioux Falls, Tea, Trent, Volga, Webster, White, White Lake, Winner, Witten, Woonsocket, Worthing, Yankton |
Co Rd 2 | 34 | Aberdeen, Alcester, Arlington, Brandt, Brookings, Carpenter, Clark, Conde, Cresbard, Elk Point, Frederick, Gregory, Hitchcock, Hosmer, Ipswich, Langford, Lemmon, Letcher, Mansfield, Mellette, New Effington, Roscoe, Rosholt, Roslyn, Sisseton, Stratford, Volga, Wagner, Walker, Warner, Wessington, Wessington Springs, White Lake, Woonsocket |
Co Rd 4 | 34 | Alcester, Arlington, Artesian, Big Stone City, Bowdle, Bradley, Brentford, Bruce, Carpenter, Clear Lake, Conde, Estelline, Faulkton, Florence, Fulton, Goodwin, Gregory, Grenville, Hosmer, Huron, Kadoka, Lemmon, Letcher, Mansfield, Meadow, Mellette, Miller, Northville, Orient, Pierpont, Roscoe, Roslyn, Wilmot, Woonsocket |
Co Rd 6 | 33 | Aberdeen, Alexandria, Arlington, Brentford, Britton, Brookings, Bruce, Claire City, Clark, Clear Lake, Conde, Dallas, Elk Point, Florence, Frederick, Glencross, Gregory, Grenville, Hitchcock, Hot Springs, Jefferson, Letcher, Mansfield, Mellette, Miller, Plankinton, Seneca, Sisseton, Timber Lake, Webster, Wessington, Wessington Springs, Westport |
Co Rd 7 | 32 | Barnard, Britton, Brookings, Bruce, Claremont, Clear Lake, Columbia, Conde, Dallas, Estelline, Faulkton, Frankfort, Frederick, Gregory, Hitchcock, Houghton, Jefferson, Miller, Mobridge, Onaka, Ree Heights, Roscoe, Rosholt, Sisseton, Trail City, Turton, Wessington, Westport, White Lake, Whitehorse, Wolsey, Woonsocket |
Co Rd 5 | 32 | Alexandria, Bradley, Bruce, Clark, Corsica, Dimock, Doland, Frankfort, Frederick, Garden City, Hecla, Lake City, Letcher, Miller, Onaka, Parkston, Peever, Ree Heights, Roscoe, Roslyn, Scotland, Seneca, Sisseton, Timber Lake, Turton, Virgil, Volga, Watertown, Wessington, Wessington Springs, White Lake, Woonsocket |
E 6th St | 32 | Alcester, Bridgewater, Bristol, Burke, Canton, Colome, Colton, Corsica, Crooks, Dell Rapids, Freeman, Fulton, Gregory, Hartford, Hosmer, Kimball, Miller, Mobridge, Parker, Pierre, Plankinton, Platte, Presho, Redfield, Sioux Falls, Volga, Webster, White, White River, Winner, Woonsocket, Yankton |
7th St | 32 | Alexandria, Armour, Britton, Brookings, Burke, Claremont, Cresbard, Dallas, De Smet, Eureka, Florence, Fort Pierre, Frederick, Hecla, Herrick, Hudson, Ipswich, Mount Vernon, Murdo, Newell, Platte, Presho, Rapid City, Spencer, Springfield, Sturgis, Timber Lake, Wagner, Wallace, White River, Winner, Yankton |
S Main St | 31 | Aberdeen, Artesian, Avon, Canton, Chamberlain, Conde, Dimock, Freeman, Gettysburg, Gregory, Howard, Humboldt, Java, Kaylor, Kimball, Lead, Lennox, Milbank, Mitchell, Mount Vernon, Onida, Parker, Plankinton, Presho, Spearfish, Stockholm, Tripp, Viborg, White Lake, Witten, Worthing |
Co Rd 8 | 31 | Arlington, Aurora, Brookings, Bruce, Burke, Carpenter, Clear Lake, Conde, Cresbard, Elkton, Faith, Florence, Gregory, Groton, Henry, Hitchcock, Huron, Letcher, Mellette, New Effington, Northville, Onaka, Roscoe, Stratford, Volga, Watertown, Wessington, White, White Lake, Wolsey, Yale |
Co Rd 1 | 30 | Arlington, Bowdle, Carpenter, Conde, Doland, Eden, Estelline, Florence, Frederick, Goodwin, Gregory, Grenville, Hazel, Hecla, Hot Springs, Oral, Orient, Raymond, Redfield, Rockham, Roscoe, Sisseton, Smithwick, Strandburg, Tabor, Tolstoy, Turton, Vienna, Waubay, Wessington |
Co Rd 16 | 30 | Aberdeen, Artesian, Ashton, Bath, Brookings, Cavour, Chancellor, Columbia, Doland, Draper, Frankfort, Frederick, Gregory, Groton, Hecla, Huron, Iroquois, Mount Vernon, Orient, Parker, Plankinton, Redfield, Rockham, Stratford, Summit, Tea, Vivian, Watertown, Willow Lake, Wilmot |
Co Rd 17 | 30 | Aberdeen, Alexandria, Alpena, Armour, Artesian, Ashton, Bath, Brookings, Buffalo Gap, Cresbard, Fulton, Gregory, Hot Springs, Huron, Ipswich, Mansfield, Marion, Mellette, Miller, Northville, Parker, Redfield, Rockham, Roslyn, Saint Lawrence, Spencer, Summit, Tulare, Volga, Watertown |
E 1st St | 30 | Bridgewater, Canton, Colome, Colton, Corsica, Dell Rapids, Dimock, Egan, Freeman, Gregory, Hartford, Kimball, Marion, Miller, Murdo, New Holland, Parker, Pierre, Plankinton, Platte, Redfield, Sioux Falls, Tea, Tripp, Volga, Webster, White, White Lake, Winner, Worthing |
State Hwy 34 | 30 | Artesian, Belle Fourche, Chamberlain, Colman, Dell Rapids, Egan, Enning, Fedora, Flandreau, Fort Pierre, Fort Thompson, Gann Valley, Harrold, Highmore, Howard, Howes, Madison, Midland, Milesville, Miller, Pierre, Saint Onge, Sturgis, Union Center, Wentworth, Wessington Springs, White Owl, Whitewood, Winfred, Woonsocket |
199th St | 29 | Arlington, Astoria, Blunt, Brookings, Bruce, Carpenter, De Smet, Erwin, Harrold, Highmore, Hitchcock, Holabird, Huron, Iroquois, Lake Norden, Lake Preston, Milesville, Miller, Pierre, Ree Heights, Saint Lawrence, Sturgis, Vale, Volga, Wessington, White, Whitewood, Wolsey, Yale |
Co Rd 23 | 29 | Aberdeen, Artesian, Aurora, Burke, Carpenter, Claire City, Conde, Elk Point, Groton, Hitchcock, Huron, Jefferson, Mansfield, Marion, Miller, New Effington, North Sioux City, Northville, Plankinton, Redfield, Rosholt, Saint Lawrence, Sisseton, Stickney, Stratford, Warner, Webster, Wessington, White Lake |
W Main St | 29 | Aberdeen, Akaska, Arlington, Ashton, Badger, Beresford, Canova, Carthage, Chamberlain, Delmont, Elk Point, Ethan, Hecla, Hosmer, Irene, Lake Andes, Lead, Letcher, Menno, New Holland, Oacoma, Oldham, Parkston, Rapid City, Tyndall, Vermillion, Wessington Springs, White, Woonsocket |
Co Rd 3 | 29 | Alcester, Belvidere, Bowdle, Bruce, Carpenter, Claire City, Clear Lake, Dallas, Delmont, Dimock, Doland, Frederick, Fulton, Goodwin, Hecla, Hosmer, Miller, Onaka, Orient, Parkston, Ree Heights, Seneca, Sisseton, Summit, Veblen, Watertown, Waubay, Wessington, White Lake |
US Hwy 14 | 29 | Arlington, Aurora, Blunt, Brookings, Cavour, De Smet, Elkton, Fort Pierre, Harrold, Hayes, Highmore, Holabird, Huron, Iroquois, Lake Norden, Lake Preston, Midland, Miller, Philip, Pierre, Quinn, Ree Heights, Saint Lawrence, Spearfish, Volga, Wall, Wessington, White, Wolsey |
Co Rd 9 | 29 | Aberdeen, Brookings, Bruce, Claremont, Columbia, Conde, Dallas, Elk Point, Faulkton, Gregory, Hermosa, Hitchcock, Houghton, Ipswich, Parkston, Roscoe, Saint Lawrence, Stockholm, Stratford, Twin Brooks, Volga, Waubay, Wessington, Wessington Springs, Westport, White Lake, Willow Lake, Wilmot, Wolsey |
State Hwy 20 | 29 | Bison, Bradley, Brentford, Buffalo, Camp Crook, Conde, Faulkton, Florence, Hoven, Isabel, Labolt, Meadow, Mellette, Milbank, Mobridge, Northville, Onaka, Prairie City, Reva, Revillo, Selby, South Shore, Stockholm, Timber Lake, Tolstoy, Trail City, Turton, Wallace, Watertown |
466th Ave | 29 | Baltic, Beresford, Brookings, Bruce, Castlewood, Centerville, Clear Lake, Colman, Colton, Dell Rapids, Estelline, Goodwin, Hartford, Lennox, Lyons, Marvin, New Effington, Rosholt, Rutland, Sioux Falls, Sisseton, Stockholm, Strandburg, Tea, Twin Brooks, Vermillion, Volga, Wentworth, Wilmot |
Most common streets list for states near South Dakota: Iowa - Minnesota - Montana - Nebraska - North Dakota - Wyoming